Vigezzina-Centovalli Railway boasts new travel experience thanks to modern rolling stock
by vera-gysi
The Vigezzina-Centovalli Railway operates on one of Switzerland’s most picturesque routes. Thanks to the new rolling stock, the journey between Locarno and Domodossola will be even more enjoyable.

The Landwasser World: A combination of nature, culture and technology
by vera-gysi
The Landwasser World allows visitors to discover the Landwasser Viaduct from various perspectives.

Unchanged prices and few adjustments to the area of validity
The Swiss ticket range will remain unchanged in 2025

MOB/GoldenPass Express – few changes in 2025
The MOB will continue to provide unforgettable panoramic journeys on board its GoldenPass Express in 2025

Lucerne to Interlaken with Zentralbahn
It is and will remain the most beautiful way to travel from Lucerne to Interlaken – or vice versa

TGV Lyria: diverse and comfortable – and getting even more so
The speedy journey on the TGV Lyria is becoming even more entertaining and convenient

TGV Lyria hosting the Swiss Olympic and Swiss Paralympic Team
The high-speed train between France and Switzerland, the TGV Lyria, is official train partner of the Swiss Olympic and Swiss Paralympic teams.

Sustainability strategy SWISS
As Switzerland’s leading air carrier, SWISS focuses on environmental issues as part of its wide-ranging sustainability strategy.